By Peter Siedlecki © 2017
What Robert Bruce says in his book:
“Another slightly less complicated method of converting lucid dreams into OBEs requires simulating the feeling of falling within the dream itself. To use this technique, cross your dream arms across your dream chest once you realize you are dreaming. Relax your body, then allow yourself to fall backward as if dropping back onto a bed or into someone’s waiting arms. When this method is effective, the dream imagery will usually disappear and you will find yourself falling through a void or through some blurred astral environment. You can then explore from there.”
Here is my dream.
Journey to the Hospital
I am leaving my parent’s apartment in Poland with two suitcases in my hands. I am going back to Port Moody, Canada where I live now. Before I leave this place I have to go through customs. There is only one customs officer in my parent’s apartment and he is checking my suitcases now. Inspection doesn’t find anything illegal, but he likes my ties, that I have a lot of in my closet. I am letting him choose one he likes. He chooses one that I like too. I explain to him that all of my ties come from Europe and some of them from Germany.
Now I find myself outside of the building with two suitcases in my hands. Suspecting that this is a dream, I start repeating aloud: “I am dreaming… I am dreaming…” Now being awake in my dream I drop my suitcases onto the ground, cross my hands on my dream chest and fall backward. As soon as I reach a horizontal, position an unknown force starts dragging me. I float in the air close to the ground on my back with my head-first. I am moving very fast and my trip lasts for a while. During that time I start getting rid of my underwear by pulling it through my sleeves throwing it away in all directions.
Finally after slowing down I find myself on a bed with wheels in a hallway of an unknown hospital. There are two men around me waiting for my awakening. One man close to me, standing at my legs, is a doctor and has a round face. He is looking at me.
Another one, shorter, slim, stands a little away from me. He has tired dark eyes and doesn’t look like a doctor. Doctor explains to me that the other man is a scientist, an inventor of the method I just used (falling backward and traveling).
“I don’t use this method anymore,” says the slim inventor to me. “Is lucid dreaming for me?” I ask him. “I do not recommend, it is too strong for you,” he responds. “What about flying?” I ask him now. “Maybe,” he answers. Now I am telling him how in my two other lucid dreams I failed to visit Pure Land Paradise. I was traveling consciously through space, passing the Moon, piercing black clouds twice. “There were no clouds,” he remarked abruptly. He was absolutely right! They were not just the clouds. I was piercing some kind of a misty tar. I new it was a test for me to pass another dimension on my way to Pure Land.
Now I know that I have to shorten my story about my trip to Pure Land because I am running out of time and I will have to wake up any moment. With that thought in my mind I wake up. I have an intention to continue using the same method of falling backward in the future. I am curious what place I will find myself in, the next time. I have already prepared a few questions for whatever or whomever I will meet there.