Did any of these spiritually oriented lucid dreams offer you personal guidance or advice? Did they ever point at something that you needed to understand about yourself?
Some might be curious as to how my lucid dream states can include spiritual growth. It seems like saying that might feel a little abstract, but in truth, the experiences can be quite the opposite.
July 14, 2013 Hooks and Attachments
I became lucid while in a dream while fishing with some of my old friends. We had fish on the line offshore fishing, but the fish were swimming all over and the fishing lines became all tangled. I tried to disentangle them, and I was constantly being hooked multiple times. Soon, the hooks and fishing lines were everywhere, like I was being wrapped up in a spider cocoon.
The hooks, of every shape and size, were piercing and lodging all over my body. And, it hurt. It hurt really bad. I was lucid while this was happening, so I pushed intention out to remove pain from the experience, but it didn‘t work. I was moving through all the lines, just trying to get free from being so entangled in them. But, it was just getting worse.
No matter where I went, I would get tangled in them, and hooks would pierce me and pull the skin. As I was painfully removing one, one or more would hook me again because of my movement within the lines. Every time I tried to disentangle the lines from around me, it would pull at the hooks that were hooked in me and would increase the pain and discomfort.
So, being lucid, I stopped struggling with it all and tried to figure it out. While I stopped and began puzzling it out, I became less entangled, and as I began walking I noticed I was now in a dark tunnellike path through a nasty, dark-looking forest. As I was walking I began accumulating fishing lines and hooks again and was painfully entangled all over again.
When lucid, sometimes I ask my higher self to give me some clue about what is going on (most times I ask my higher self to start the next experience I am in need of for growth). A female appeared, very faint and hardly noticeable, like a ghostly mist. All I could see was a face floating within my conscious.
“It is simple,” she said. “These are your attachments.”
It was like a bomb of “AHA!!!” moments streaked through me.
I began walking away, and the lines grew taught, and the hooks pulled painfully at my skin, all over my body. One by one, as I walked, I felt the specific pulling of a line and the hook that was associated with that line. It is strange, because I was feeling each individual line corresponding with its specific hook by the tautness of the line, and the pain that the hook drew forth. I felt them all individually, but at the same time, tightening, pulling, bringing specific pain; the differing strength of tension on each line brought a specific amount of pain to an area of my body that that hook was in.
My awareness had shifted to the hooks being symbolic to my mental attachments, instead of physical attachments. I kept walking, and when I noticed that the line was taught enough, and the pain sharp enough, I found I could give a ‘pulse,’ like a hard jerk, to rip the hook from me. After a while, it became less painful, as I was consciously figuring out how to remove the pain from the experience with each ‘jerk’ and removal.
The hooks began sliding off of me instead of being ripped from me. The pain began dissolving, and a feeling of ‘light’ was replacing the pain. Then, at a certain point, all of the lines and hooks just fell off of me as I continued walking down this dark forest path.
I was light as a feather. I was free of attachments. This is where the experience becomes hard to express because of the feeling of being removed from all attachments. It is beautiful. It was like I was released from everything but my self.
Do you ever find lucid dreams in which the instructions are not so clear, or do not make immediate sense? Sometimes it seems easy to ‘get’ the symbolism, but other times it seems much more difficult.
There are lucid dreams that change the way I live my life. They are like life lessons, but of extremely bizarre natures. I could feel how they were changing me, and feel how they were a catalyst for changing my behavior. Some of the most powerful solutions in life can be found within the most subtle actions of the self, no matter the intensity of the situations. Controlling fear and removing the urge to panic can teach you a lot.
At the time of this next experience, I had been experiencing major bouts of fear. I was struggling in waking life because of the state of the economy, and had moved my family to Tennessee. The fear was more primal.
For the past two years or so prior to this particular lucid dream, I was experiencing entities visiting me in my bedroom, and having constant lucid dreams every night that were very dark in nature. I was at a loss as to what it would take to stop the bad lucid dreams, where I would get pulled down into what I call The Dark Places.
There were a lot of very strange nightly occurrences that had been taking place for a span of about 4-5 years. My sister advised me to ‘ask‘ Jesus Christ for a possible answer. So, one night I focused intentions for Jesus, His light, anything to begin drawing me away from this fear that I just could not overcome. I had placed those intentions before the dream visions started. My awareness while drifting off never wavered.
December, 2010 – Lower Astral
At a certain point, I decided to ‘travel.‘ I float about 3-4 feet off the sandy beach, at night. The lighting is as if there are torches lit…a dull, wavering orange-ish light…or maybe like a beach bonfire under a full moon. I spread my arms out and lean forward against a slight breeze, and I lift up into the night. I just go with it, having it take me wherever it chooses, leaving my mind empty of intention.
I begin to see where I am heading. It is a darker spot in the night sky…no stars…no moon…a black hole in the air above me. There are feelings always associated with this type of experience, and anxiety spreads its wings in my soul. So, I am going to the Dark Places. I don‘t know where or what I will experience, but I have been to these places many, many times. They are not fun, but can be incredibly enlightening to the soul.
When I pierce through the black hole in the dark sky, there is a shift. It feels as if pressure has swallowed me completely, and I ‘turn‘ upside down, falling fast and faster ‘down.‘ Vast areas like dark plains are coming up to meet me. On the black plains there are white hole;, my perception sees them as the size of a quarter between the fingers of my outstretched arm.
There are perhaps 3 or 4 white holes, and they vibrate. I choose one of them and head towards it. Everything is shaking until I ‘lock-on‘ to it. It is like I must match vibrational frequency, and then the desired hole stops vibrating and swallows me into it.
I keep going down. I know that the further down I go, the ‘darker‘ the experience. Repeating the above experience, dropping down through yet more white holes, to find myself still falling towards another layer of blackness with other vibrating white holes. Match vibrations and pulled through… until there is only one white hole in the blackness… sink through that one…I am laying in a small cramped space.
The space is about 2 feet high, about 6×6. There is a small dingy light on the ceiling (where I entered). It looks like I am underground, the walls, floor, ceiling made of dirt. This is how many of these dark places are like. They are claustrophobic, dirty and uncomfortable as there are ‘feelings‘ associated with the places. It is as if the ‘place‘ has emotions.
This one…despair, no way out, etc. And, to top it off, it has dirty brown bugs crawling around in here with me. The ugly nasty things are about the size of a baseball glove. They notice me and begin crawling on me. I can feel the spindly legs gripping me, and an occasional bite. I can‘t brush them off because there is not enough room.
I HATE this. It is horrible. The entire experience is like a nightmare. I am completely lucid, so I can easily wake up if I want. So, it is a decision that seems crazy…do I wake up, or keep going?
Screw it. Keep going.
There is another dingy light to my left a couple of feet ahead of me. I crawl towards it, and go in it.
…and enter an identical place, but the light is in a different area. More of these nasty bugs, on the ceiling and walls. I crawl towards another light which takes me a few minutes. Go through it.
I don‘t know how many times, but one time I notice something different. There is a dirty cloth curtain that I hadn‘t seen before…maybe it was behind me the entire time. I turn around and crawl through it. It is like a partition to an even smaller dirty hole that I cannot fit completely in. Straight ahead of me is another curtain. To the left is a mirror. The mirror is unfocused, so I crawl very close to it and look at myself. I am horrified.
These bugs are crawling all over me. I can feel them, but seeing them on me makes it a thousand times worse. There are huge bleeding swells on me where the critters have bitten and scratched me. I can feel them moving over me. My face is disfigured because of the bugs. Dirty, black and blue, swollen, bumps…I am close to panicking now. Fear is about to take over. It‘s not worth going through this! And for what?! What am I doing staying here!?
Seeing myself start to panic, makes me calm down, and I stare into the mirror. There is a critter on my hand. I want to shake it off, but there isn‘t enough room. I bring my hand forward in front of my face and grab the thing with my other hand to try and pull it off. I can feel its legs, like a giant cockroach, clinging strongly to my hand. This … sucks…
I finally am able to pull it off, but I am so confined, I don‘t have anywhere to put it. Straight in front of me is the mirror…the only place I can put it is… inside the mirror. My thoughts have calmed down. There was never any ‘fear,‘ but immense discomfort. I study the thing, wondering what it is, while placing it ‘into‘ the mirror. As soon as it touches the mirror, it transforms.
A green tree frog. I laugh and smile and grab another insect off of me, and touch it to the mirror. Another beautiful green tree frog. I transform all the insects in my little dirty hole. It is beautiful. The frogs are hopping all over, transforming the entire place wherever they touch. The feelings of the place are changing, the colors, the air, the light… everything. They are going through it all, hopping everywhere, changing everything. This is why I stayed.
It is beautiful…I push through the other curtain and see yet another light…and go through it. Movement, vibrations…off to another place.
What general advice would you give to lucid dreamers who want to explore more deeply?

Image by truthseeker08 from Pixabay
Use imagination, meditation, and preparedness to guide your development of inner self. Envision what your highest version of self means to you and use your imagination to guide your inner self to achieve it.
Lucid dreaming is opening the door to consciously experiencing the impossible. To access deeper states within lucid dreaming, I found meditation is a must. The process of proper meditation techniques are the same that are used in lucid dreaming.
Control of emotions, remaining balanced, focusing on the deeper mental states, actively using the subconscious to bring about awareness, etc., will allow you to stay lucid for longer periods of time, and result in more intense experiences.
Thank you for the interview, Robert. I enjoyed it!
Thanks Chad for this DreamSpeak interview.
For more information about Chad and his blog, please visit http://swingingonspirals.blogspot.com/ or e-mail [email protected]