Michael Lamberti
Insight Through Meditation
This dream occurred during a period when I was focused on meditating in my lucid dreams. I don‘t think I had healing on my mind at all that night.
I’m lucid and standing on a big, full cardboard box looking at beautiful mountains. I remember I want to meditate. I sit down and begin. The snow-capped mountain looks very beautiful as I try to focus. People keep coming up to me and touching me, assuming I’m holy. I try to stick with the meditation and am fairly successful. I think these people are missing the point: if they want blessings, they should meditate themselves.
I see my yoga teacher in the distance and go to him when I finish meditating. I tell him how grateful I am he’s here and what a wonderful dream this has been so far. The one piece of advice he gives me is to push myself a little bit harder at yoga. I agree that so far I’ve preferred to stay in my comfort zone and chill out. While we’re talking, we both scale a brown brick building like Spiderman would. I tell him I need to wake up now so I can write all of this down. I ask if he needs any help getting down, but that’s foolish… it’s a dream.
At the time I had a nagging muscle strain in my back that had persisted over a month and kept me from doing some of the poses I was used to. When I woke up after this dream, I noticed it was gone. I really could push myself a little bit harder at yoga now. Did the dream facilitate that healing? Did it draw my attention to the fact that the strain was gone? I‘m not sure…
Marci Erspamer
Caterpillar Lady
I am having a stressful dream. I‘m inside of a room with other people, people that I work with in my waking life. I‘m very uncomfortable and having anxiety. Suddenly, it occurs to me that I‘m dreaming, so I decide to fly away. But, to my utter discouragement, every time I leave the room through the ceiling, there is another room that I enter, and another, and another. I can‘t escape the bad dream. Unexpectedly, my jaw begins to hurt, a lot. I‘m in pain and I keep trying to fly away from this room. I‘m in a panic. Luckily, I hear a small feminine voice in one of the rooms that I enter, saying, ‘I‘m here, over here!’
Instantly, the pain in my jaw stops. Eagerly, I walk over into a room that resembles a toy store. Although, to pass through into the toy store, I walk through long plastic sheets, like curtains – I feel like I‘m walking through a construction site. I‘m very lucid at this point – feeling completely ‘normal,’ but I know it‘s a dream.
As I walk over towards the voice, I see a lady – half human, half caterpillar. I‘m surprised and excited by this experience because I‘ve had many lucid flying dreams, but never have I encountered a ‘being’ before. She is standing behind a table with a green cloth over it. I‘m aware of other people around – they seem to be waiting for her, the caterpillar lady. She has long gray hair pulled back and she‘s wearing little round glasses. She reminds me of a librarian, non-expressive and seemingly very calm. At her waist I notice a caterpillar type abdomen, but with human legs. As I approach the table, she begins putting wooden blocks in front of me and she tells me, ‘You are here to build’. Instantly, I know she is a teacher, guide – someone I should listen to.
Out of the blue, she reaches over and touches my face. I feel a deep penetrating, healing vibration. While she‘s touching me, she asks, ‘Can you feel that?’ At the question, she becomes excited and animated. Consequently, I feel peaceful and nourished.
After about 20 seconds, I know she has finished with me and another person walks up to her table. As I walk away, a bunch of children sit down with me and we begin to look at and play with the wooden blocks. This is when I wake up.
After waking, I‘m confident that I‘ve been healed and I‘m more comfortable in my own skin. I also understood that I had a purpose. I didn‘t know exactly what it was, but I knew my job was to find out.
Steve Racicot
Healing Hands
Anna and I are at a large gathering of people inside a large house. As we walk among the people I see an old friend of ours who had died years ago. Seeing her causes me to realize that I am dreaming. “Look who is here,” I tell Anna. She sees our deceased friend too. “So you know what this means?” I ask her.
“Yes, we are dreaming,” she replies. I agree.
We walk up to our old friend and hug her. “Wonderful to see you,” I tell her. She is glad to see us also and says so.
Now I remember my lucid dream intention which is that the next time I become conscious in a dream, I will say healing prayers for Anna. She is getting arthritis in her hands and I am hoping I can bring healing to her. I turn from our friend and I embrace Anna. Holding her tightly I say, “Let the healing power of God flow through me to my beloved Anna;” I repeat this three times.
Then Anna tells me, “OK, that is enough.”
I let go of her and say, “Alright, let’s try flying.”
We are outside the building now. I jump into the air and fly for a short distance. I stop and wait for Anna. Anna runs and jumps into the air, starts to fly, but then crashes onto the ground. Her body makes a gash in the ground about fifteen feet long and a foot deep. I land beside her and ask if she is OK.
“Yes,” she says. “It didn’t hurt.”
I tell her, “Come on. This is a dream. We can fly if we want to.”
We both leap into the air again and this time we both fly. We are flying about ten feet off the ground. There are fir and spruce trees growing here and we fly between them. We come to a long fallen tree that got caught in another tree when it fell, so that the top end of it is off the ground a good ways. I point out this fallen tree to Anna and suggest we land on it and run its length through the branches. This is something we would probably be afraid to do in the waking world. I tell her, and Anna agrees to try it. We land on the fallen tree’s trunk and run easily along it, not having any trouble at all.
Now the scene becomes a public park with logs sticking up out of the ground and at this point I lose the awareness that I am dreaming even though the dream continues for some time.
I checked Anna’s hands in waking to see if my healing attempt had helped them, but they looked the same. Nevertheless I will continue to do healing work for her in my dreams.
It is interesting to note that in the morning when I told Anna my dream, she laughed and told me her dream that she recorded at the same time that I wrote down my dream.
Anna’s Dream: Later in a building there is a big guy with big hands who is drunk. And now he thinks he is someone special and that he can heal people. “If you can,” I tell the drunk, “touch my hands and heal them.” I doubt if this drunk can heal my hands. We touch or slap palms together. My hands aren’t healed, but he goes dancing off.
Anita Lenz
Heal Them!
In the early 90‘s, I had a dream experience that I feel resulted in a healing.
In this dream, I heard a voice booming, ‘Heal Them!’ This voice was neither male nor female, but very deep and commanding and I ‘knew‘ it was God. My immediate reaction was to tell God that it had gotten into the wrong dream, because I didn‘t know how to heal anybody. The voice came back louder and firmer saying again, ‘Heal Them!’ At this point, I became a little nervous because I really didn‘t want to piss off God. So I nervously said, ‘Oh Ok, I‘ll try?’
I was immediately shown two of my girlfriends. I also instantly ‘knew‘ this was not a medical healing, but a relationship healing. I looked at the first girlfriend and said, ‘Oh, she is easy. She just needs self-esteem.’ I waved my hand and said ‘Done.’
I was then shown my second girlfriend. I thought, ‘Oh oh, this is going to be more difficult.’ In the next scene we were in a jungle and she was on her back on a wooden board with her arms dangling by her side. With sweeping hand motions, I kept trying to drain the ‘bad blood‘ from all the prior relationships.
There were several times where I thought, ‘Ok, this is a wrap, we‘re done,’ and started to leave. I would be pulled or yanked back with the thought, ‘Oh no, there is more ‘bad blood‘ that needs to be cleared.’ At some points during this process, it shifted from my girlfriend being on the board to a man, and I also worked on him in the same manner. This went on for quite some time, but was eventually finished.
I woke up and thought, ‘Wow, what was that about?’ I felt my body and I was quite cold to the touch. I thought I had been gone a long time. The thought occurred to me that this was an actual healing dream. I watched my two girlfriends for a couple of weeks thinking I should see some evidence. When I didn‘t see any changes, I put it out of my mind as just a strange dream.
It was probably about 8 years later when the second girlfriend, who had moved out of state, called me to invite me to her wedding. As I sat on the couch listening to her, the dream flooded back into my memory. All of a sudden, I realized the first girlfriend had met and married somebody within a year or two of the dream.
The second girlfriend had begun living with her now husband within that timeframe also. I now recalled how over the years when I spoke to her, she would tell me about their ‘on and off‘ again work with therapists when their relationship hit a road block. I even remembered her saying, ‘Sometimes it was her ‘issues‘ and sometimes it was his’ that needed to be healed. It felt eerily similar to the jungle scene in the dream.
I wondered at the time of the dream and even now, if God wanted them healed isn‘t this something that God could do directly? Why come into my dream and tell me to ‘Heal Them‘?
Katherine Flory
I walked into my kitchen and saw a long glass table. It looked familiar – like one I used to have, but that one was round, not rectangular. Then I remembered that I had given that table to a friend a long time ago. I thought, “This isn’t my table; this must be a dream.”
I saw my mom standing at the end of the table. She looked fragile, delicate, with weak bones, so I thought I should help her. I crossed my legs and levitated and held up my hands over her and said in a commanding voice, “Rejuvenate!” Green and gold light shone from my hands onto her. This terrified her and she ran from the room.
I thought, “Huh, maybe levitation was too much. Maybe I shouldn’t have made such a show of it.” I tried to track her down and met up with my dad. I told him about this and that I guessed I shouldn’t have levitated.
Of Healing And Kids
I keep flying/getting through darkness and fog. I see occasional images, and then I command the dream to get light. I close my eyes and when I open my eyes I expect it to happen. I do it 3 times, yet nothing happens.
I want to get into water and I find myself under the water. I breathe for fun. Then I get out of water and find myself on a sunlit street filled with people walking in all directions. They are mostly women wearing puffed up 60s dresses. Walking is hard for me, I don‘t know why. The street with people blurs.
A cascade of fountains and pools appears in front of me. It gets blocked by a bus. Next I find myself in the bus. There are kids, two boys about 6-8 years old, playing around pushing, laughing, being loud. I don‘t mind.
I remember to ask the dream about my blocks. What blocks do I have? The blocks are shown to me on my body. These are my pelvis (the back part), shoulders, hands and feet. These parts of my body are illuminated for me in my mind‘s eye.
I dwell on this image for a moment and then decide to heal myself. I fill my body with light and I feel how it vibrates. I do it for some time. Then I decide to heal Oles, but it is not easy to fill him with light. My intent does not work. I am confused.
Next I find myself in a sunlit city. There are children everywhere. I am pleased to see them play and run around. I think about my niece Stephanie. Then I wake up, inspired and happy.
Mike Porter
Car Ride Healing Attempt
I’m riding in the passenger seat of my car. My mom is driving and there are two young boys playing around in the back seat. Looking out the windshield, I see it is a grey, rainy day and we are driving in the city. We pass by two beautiful women on a street corner. One lifts her short skirt, mooning me as we pass. Wow! You don’t see that every day. Wait a minute… This must be a dream. I’m now lucid.
I first stabilize the dream by examining the interior of the car. I’m impressed how closely it matches the waking reality version. So what to do? I recall having just read about lucid healing in the book Lucid Dreaming, Plain and Simple. I decide to try healing my nagging elbow tendonitis. I stand up and realize there’s enough room to stand even though my car is a little Honda.
I hold out my left arm and turn it palm up. I see I’m wearing a yellow long sleeve shirt. I roll the sleeve up. As I pass the elbow, I expose a 3 inch protrusion at the exact location of the elbow pain. It has not broken the skin. Unfortunately, I don’t have a plan and decide to just follow my intuition. I try to imagine a ball of healing energy forming in my right palm. I don’t see anything, but have an urge to push my palm against the swelling. I’m able to push it down into my elbow. I remove my hand and the elbow looks normal again. I thank the Higher Powers for the healing.
It’s now raining heavily outside the car. I look back and see it’s now a van. The side door opens and a man jumps in. He sits in the seat behind me. He looks to be in his 40’s with slick black hair. He’s wearing a khaki jumpsuit that makes him look like a Ghostbuster. I find him disturbing. I ask him what he represents. He looks at me startled.
I guess he didn’t expect that question. I ask again. He replies, “Long term pain.” I ask if it’s pain in my elbow. He says no. I ask from what? He looks over his shoulder as if it’s a secret, then leans forward and whispers to me, “Pyrex.” I then begin feeling my physical body lying in bed and my wife rolling over next to me. I’m losing the dream. I try to stabilize but wake up.
Upon waking, I excitedly checked my elbow. It felt pretty good, so I tested it lifting an object. The pain returned. Oh well. I have attempted another lucid elbow healing since then. I again did not have instant success, but my elbow is slowly improving.
My Healing Dreams
I did lucid dream (LD) induction for a long time, longer than an hour. The darkness broke and I was still wide awake. Then I felt and heard a familiar buzz. It subsided. After some time the buzz was there again and I OBE‘d up from the bed. I got back, and then OBE‘d again. I did not see anything but I felt flight. I was flying slower and then faster and felt joy. I remembered Robert W.‘s joking warning not to fly like a rocket if I OBE.
Then I thought I should start healing myself. I was back in my body and was between dream and wakefulness. I drew on the universal energy and sent its stream to my liver. It felt energizing and very good. I sent energy to my lungs, kidneys, to the joints of my hands. I did it several times. I enjoyed the warming, buzzing feeling and was excited. I forgot about heart and entire body because I started working on my head. I sent energy to my brain. It felt amazingly alive and the buzz was there again. It was as if the brain rejoiced and replied.
I was in the darkness all this time so I thought to send energy to my eyes and try to get the visual. I did and silhouettes of walls started to show through. There was a city, something like a medieval Spanish town with no trees. I sent more energy to my brain and I felt and saw how it was sparkling and getting energized. The visual was coming into being. There was a short LD set in that town.
In all these cases before going to bed I had a healing intent. I decided on the method which I would use for healing myself. Qigong is my preferred Mind-to-Body method. I train myself in applying colors and visualizing energy while awake and try to transfer this method to the dream.
I usually use golden Earth energy for energizing myself and do the body cleansing routine (imagine that I suck in Universal or Earth energy and run it through my limbs and entire body. When it leaves my body it becomes the food for nourishing the Universe).
I entered the dream and flew. It was dark. I closed my eyes and said that I wanted light. There appeared some sources of light, like street lamps around. The visibility got better. I remembered my intent to heal myself and sent energy to my body. The energy entered through my feet and filled up the entire body. Then I did a few rounds of Qigong energy cleansing.
I flew again. Dark, bare landscape. I decided to get to some beautiful place and said that and started to turn around. After a couple of rounds I opened eyes and there was a city
Could not fall asleep for a long while. My hubby was breathing too loud, snoring, and moving so I went to the living room sofa. At some point the entire body started buzzing. The buzz intensified, and it felt like I was buzzing with energy, that I was wrapped into energy.
For some time I felt that I was about to fly and indeed at some point I accelerated upwards and was flying. I commanded ‘visual‘, ‘light‘ but nothing happened. I changed position, then the buzz and acceleration into flight happened again.
I got up, went to the bathroom, and after that I had the buzz back and flew into the darkness again. The sensation was new (a different kind of buzz than before) and continuous. It was very pleasurable. I wondered if it had anything to do with sleep paralysis (SP), but it did not. I could move, there was no sense of alien presence. I healed my body for some time, doing body scan, saying that I‘m purging the inflammation. Then in the state of buzzing and flight I started getting hypnogogic images. There were live pictures and episodes. I was an observer.
After lying on my side for quite a while I feel a familiar buzz and slight grip of SP. It makes me constricted, but does not prevent me from moving and opening my eyes. It‘s just hard to do. I feel the buzz and move just a bit. Then I propel myself up, OBE, and fly fast through the roof and out. I see our forest below. It‘s covered with snow. I am happy to fly around for some time.
At some point I decide that I should get into a dream rather than just flying around. Immediately I get into an urban setting. It‘s dark. There are people around. I talk to one guy who was nearby. I ask him the usual question whether he knows that he is in my dream, but he does not. He seems unaware and dumb. I talk to another person, not much success either.
I remembered one of my goals, to heal my right knee, which has been off for the last couple weeks. There was nothing spectacular about that healing. But who knows? I was sending warm, golden Earth energy into my knee. There were no sensations though. Last time, when I worked on my left knee, the problems stopped in 2 days. It has been good since then.
I was chaining. My LDs collapse and I get into new ones. They collapse because I hear my dog and my husband snoring. I fly. I try to work on healing but I cannot find the right spot where I would be alone and comfortable. I had a few dreams where I was looking for the ‘right spot‘. Upon awakening I know that it was stupid. Now I remember not to bother about the place and start healing myself as soon as I remember.
I was lying on my right side curled, with knees close to my chin (it was chilly) so, when in SP, I wondered how to sit up or get out of that position. I was OBE in no time at all. I flew to Oles right away and positioned my body right above his and tried to work on him, projecting health and healing. At some point I gripped his hand so as to touch him directly. It felt like I did it for a long time.
Then I decided to take a break and to fly. It was dark, almost no visual. I flew out of the window, head first, over the back yard and into the forest. As I flew, I felt the twigs and leaves brush against my face and a few drops of rain fell on my face and head. I think it still was an OBE. Then I stopped in the forest, drew the earth energy with my hands and sent it to my left index finger. I flew for a while. I healed my teeth too (the next day my target teeth didn‘t hurt anymore and neither did my finger. Oles felt strong and his symptoms of possibly recurring shingles were gone).
Kayleigh Robinson
Integrate Blockages Now!
I created a dream plan on the 10th of May 2015, within the plan I wrote up that I would like to integrate all solidified blockages in my mind. I then drew a picture of me and a black blob (the blockage) and an arrow, then drew my symbol of a blue river and the black blob integrated in it as a sign of what I wish to achieve.
My short statement of intent to shout out in the dream was ‘Integrate blockages now!!’ I found it very important to do this as I have always felt I have many psychological blockages, and in fact have missing/blocked memories from a period of traumatic years when I was younger, and even a clairvoyant I saw told me I had a big blockage in my third eye chakra.
On the 27th May 2015 I dreamt lucidly twice that night, but it was in-between 1.30am and 4.30am that I did my dream plan.
I was in a house and I already felt semi-lucid from the start. I was in a living room and for my first time I shouted out my statement of intent from my dream plan. I shouted, ‘Integrate blockages now!’, but nothing happened.
I noticed that my pet cat Kobe was in the room, he is a white cat with black splodges. I shouted out again, ‘Integrate blockages now!’ Again, nothing. I started searching and feeling the energy in the room to see if there was anything that could be a blockage. I went through a door, and the energy felt scary – that feeling when you have watched a spooky movie – then suddenly the floor fell through and I free-fell from a seemingly great height as it felt like I was falling for ages!
At first I was scared as I thought I would splat on the floor when I reached the bottom, but I kept falling and then kind of enjoyed the experience, as I like adrenaline rush kind of things! It felt very real! I felt it when I suddenly thudded onto a floor, but was quickly ok and I stood up.
I looked around and I was in a dim room with a sort of rusty tinge to the lighting of it. There were shapes of boxes piled up and small windows high near the ceiling. I felt it before I saw it, a normal sized black cat was skulking around down there, it had that scary feel to it and it had green eyes.
As soon as I saw it I knew it was a blockage. I thought to myself, ‘I have to be compassionate and hug it, like Charlie taught on the course’. So I picked it up. It didn’t like that, it was wriggling, biting, scratching! I really felt every bite and scratch it gave me! I held on though, and gave it a kiss and kept trying to hug it! It still kept fighting against me with such energy! I kept saying over and over ‘I love you!’
As the battle went on, what I was doing started feeling more heartfelt and had more emotion, as I started getting upset thinking that whatever this blockage is, I have kept it deep down in the dark places skulking around and have not paid it any attention. As what I was doing came more from my heart rather than just a plan to do, the energy in the cat waned, and it wriggled less and less and I hugged it and cried, ‘Sorry, I love you’. It was still scratching a bit, but suddenly this letter box appeared on a wall and it was blocked full of letters! Still holding the cat I reached out and I unblocked the letter box, pulling all the letters out. The cat then sort of disappeared, and I woke up!
I felt much more fluid, and it felt like a powerful shift had occurred in me. The following days and months I have felt more whole and confident.