By Gustavo Vieira © 2014
Hello LDE,
I am Gustavo Vieira, from Portugal and I want to share my experiences with using music in dreams. I have found music to have an important part in lucid dreaming. It can really help you have great experiences. I experienced some good things that I want to share with you.
One of the things I found is that singing makes you stabilize the lucid dream. Whenever I see that the dream is fading, sometimes I rub my hands, or touch objects… the usual stuff, you know, to stabilize the dream. But sometimes I just sing. This singing does the trick very well. The dream comes back and while you are singing, you feel entirely inside the dream and you will continue your lucid experience. And sometimes it becomes more vivid. Your fears go away and you feel free to do whatever you want.
Another thing I found is that the lyrics and the right song can make you go places. When I want to go to space, I sing a song about space. When I want to fly, I sing a song about flying.
For example, try to sing “Man on the Moon” by REM and you will go to the moon. Or “Alexander the Great” by Iron Maiden and you will go to that time and place. This is kind of new to me as I’m discovering it, but sometimes it works great and I believe that the right song, the right lyrics and great intention will have you lucidly dream great experiences.
This idea is for the musicians, for all of you that compose your own music. I am a musician and I love to compose and record some soundtrack, new age, ambient music on my keyboard (along with other genres). Sometimes, when I become lucid, I start to sing the notes of my songs… and it’s unbelievable what I hear.
First I hear the sound of my voice singing, then more instruments start to appear and, seconds later I hear my song accompanied with a full piece orchestra and choral voices. It’s so beautiful. It’s like I am listening to my music as I really want it to be if I had the opportunity to record a really professional album with all the real instruments I want.
Yesterday (in a lucid dream) I was singing some music of mine; then I even added some heavy metal guitars with my mind. It was awesome to have the guitars appear in the lucid dream music!
So, my idea for a task for musicians and lucid dreamers, is to try to sing your songs in your lucid dreams. You’ll be amazed with the ideas and the new sounds that will be in your musical piece.