By Karim © 2018
This was a series of dreams where I was invited by a dream version of an old friend of mine to an astral organization called the Psychic Police. They investigate what really happens related to waking life crimes and report the findings to a ‘Karmic council.’ Then a panel of judges there review the cases and enact ‘Karmic judgment.’ (I think this would make for a really cool TV series!)
In the first dream, my friend worked as a recruiter for the organization. He focuses on finding people with good lucid dreaming skills who have psychic / intuitive potential.
I was in the waiting room of what looked like a police headquarters. In comes my friend who was crippled and in a wheel chair from a spinal injury. (That is not the case in waking life.) Seeing him like this sparked my lucidity. This was the first dream episode I had related to the psychic police.
He called me to follow him to a meeting room. He was not his usual self but rather more serious. He introduced me to the president of this astral organization. She manages both living and deceased astral workers. However, she is supposedly alive in waking life on earth and she is actually 500 years old. I was wide-eyed in surprise when I heard that, as standing in front of me was a very beautiful lady dressed very elegantly with big curly hair and she did not look a day beyond 30. She said that she found the philosopher’s stone and the elixir of life and that is how she can live so long. Her eyes seemed shrewd and experienced and hid many secrets.
They said I had to go through an interview test before being hired as a civilian consultant. She asked me to follow her to an interrogation room. We were standing behind the darkglass looking at a girl sitting inside the room, unable to see us. The 500 year old said that as a test I had to go and interrogate the suspect in the room and find the truth and that I could use any means I deemed fit. She explained that the girl was a suspect in her boyfriend’s death and that her astral body was pulled in by the psychic police for interrogation in her sleep. I was also given an earpiece in which they could talk to me while in the room.
In I went, and the suspect was very annoyed and frustrated. She kept saying she was innocent. My friend spoke in my ear that I should try to read her mind to see if she was telling the truth. So the only technique I could think of was ‘the Vulcan mind meld’ from Star Trek. I approached the suspect and sat right next to her. I then proceeded to place the first and second fingers of my right hand on the left part of her face one near her cheek and the other near her left temple. I closed my eyes and I saw so many clouds part.
Then suddenly a flurry of images related to the suspect came in. I focused on the death of the boyfriend and just like in a google search the images flooded in related to the subject. I saw that she shot him with a gun, wiped down the prints, and placed the gun in his hands to make it look like a suicide. I was not told how the boyfriend died before entering the room. I also knew that this was a crime of passion, a crime based on jealousy.
I disconnected my hand from her face and she let out a big gasp. She started screaming, ‘What did you do to me, what did you do to me?” I immediately left her and exited the room. I told them everything I saw. The president said, “You passed the test. We did not tell you that the boyfriend was shot, but you picked that up correctly. Interesting skill you have with mind reading. I guess the suspect is guilty after all.”
She buzzed someone on her desk phone and informed them to file the papers as guilty.
In the second dream I had with them, they put me through a dream training. The main part of the dream training was related to manipulating time within a dream. Interestingly, this was something I stumbled upon a couple of times as a child when I had my first lucid dreams. If there was a scary event I would attempt to rewind a few minutes earlier just like we did with the old VHS video tapes. I would imagine having a remote and clicking the rewind button and that usually worked. I would then try to change the outcome or make a different choice to see if it had any effect and usually it did. However, that was not something I continued to do in dreams as I grew up.
The trainer showed me how to use my intent and will to fast forward and rewind dream events to gain advantage and change the outcome of the dream if it was not the desired outcome. Fast forwarding was interesting, it was like going through the motions and speech really fast but I was still able to comprehend what was going on and retained full memory of everything I went through.
If I wanted to fast forward walking down a street I could do that. Later on, fast forward became a default mode in most of my dreams. It was very helpful in recalling more and more events from the dreams. Now I have to intentionally slow my dreams down if I want to experience them in the previous normal pace when something important is happening and I want to pay more attention or examine something specific.
After that, every two to three months I would have one or two dreams about the psychic police. This continued for a good year and a half. My friend in the wheel chair would be my handler. He would come hand me a case for me to check on. Not all the people were conveniently in an interrogation room. Sometimes I would have to go with a police officer to the field. The officer was armed with a laser stun gun that stuns the astral body so people do not escape away in dreamland.
I remember two notable cases of famous people that I handled. One was Sylvia Browne accused of being a psychic fraud and making money unethically. It was discovered in the dream that she was a fraud. Her sentence was exile to a moon of the planet Saturn (I felt this was an astrological thing). The other was James Gandolfini’s death (the man who acted Tony Soprano in the Sopranos). For this one I met up with the spirit of James and found out what happened, which I won’t be relaying here.
One interesting piece of information he told me that he was afraid of the dark because he saw dark spirits and he was afraid of them harming him. Interesting thing about this is in waking life one year later I saw an episode of a Muppet show where he featured in it and he told the Muppets that he likes to keep the lights on in the bedroom at night when he goes to sleep because he was afraid of the dark. This stunned me a little bit.
In one of the psychic police dreams I met the daughter of the 500 year old immortal lady. She was 7 and she took a liking to me and started following me everywhere I went.
I was being shown how to enter even deeper into the mind of a person in the dream state. It was like focusing on a person and going into a dream within a dream. I would appear in a maze of corridors that was filled with doors to different rooms like in a building but in a maze layout.
Some doors were in well lit corridors and some were in dimly lit or dark corners of the maze.
The little girl decided to tag along in my training, entering the mind of a suspect with me. We entered one of the happy rooms and found people in a big restaurant having drinks and dinner and a good time. It was busy, loud, and there was a lot of laughter. It seemed like I was watching a happy memory of that person in the dream. The little girl then said, “Let me show you a neat trick.” She then clapped her hands twice and everything was frozen in the dream, including myself. She touched me and I unfroze from my paralysis which was like a suspended state where I could not hear or see anything momentarily. I stared in awe at the silent room filled with strangers around dinner tables and waiters carrying plates of food all in suspended animation.
I asked her, “What did you do?”
She giggled, “I froze time. It is a technique that my mom showed me.”
She said, “Have a go at it.” She then touched my left arm and a jolt of energy entered my body. She said,
“Here, I copied the technique to you. Now you can freeze time, too. Try it!”

Photo by geralt via Pixabay
I clapped my hands twice and the entire room unfroze. Everyone else was oblivious that anything out of the ordinary had happened. Then the little girl clapped her hands twice and the room froze again. I clapped them and time unfroze. We started to laugh, like this was a cute little game.
Suddenly we heard the door from the maze corridor open and in walks her mother. The little girl pulls me down behind a table and says, “Shhhhhh, don’t let her see us.” So we hid and observed what was going on.
As a waiter walked up to the immortal to ask her if she had a reservation the mother clapped her hands and froze time. I realized I was not frozen like everyone else. Maybe whatever the little girl transferred to me gave me immunity against this technique?!
We continued to hide in silence, observing the mother. She walked to a lady sitting on one of the tables and she took an object out of her pocket and placed it in that lady’s handbag. She walked a little far from the table clapped her hands and as the room unfroze, she clicked her fingers and teleported out of the room. The little girl and I stared at each other wide-eyed in shock.
“What just happened here?” I asked.
The little girl seemed worried. “Oh no, my mom just planted a false memory inside the head of the person we are observing. I think she is setting them up for whatever crime you are supposed to find. This way when you examine their mind you will find the memory of them committing the crime and the person will be found guilty. We must get out of here very quickly before she discovers that we saw her; otherwise, you are going to be in a lot of trouble. You really do not know what my mom is capable of when she is mad!”
I did not need to hear any more. Both the girl and I teleported out of that dream to the psychic police office. I then woke up.
Interestingly, the clapping technique remained with me. If I am having a disturbing dream and I recall the technique, I clap my hands to freeze time and then either rewind, fast forward, or make a change in the dream.
Two to three months after I saw the dream with the time freeze, the movie Inception came out and it had a very similar concept of going inside the mind of a person like a dream within a dream and implanting a false memory! That was such a big synchronicity that I experienced when I watched that movie.
Another movie that had a theme similar to a psychic police organization was a Russian movie called Night Watch. I highly recommend seeing that one, too.