By Alexandra Enns © 2018
From my experience, you should prepare for the unexpected before looking at your reflection in a lucid dream mirror. There, mirrors may reflect the symbolic, the unknown and even the multi-dimensional. In lucid dreams, mirrors can serve as a means of reflecting back answers to questions, or as a portal to other information, time and places.
Seen from this point of view, I would like to share my lucid dream experiences with mirrors and glass panes by enumerating their properties or functionalities and stating the lessons I learned:
Mirrors may function as lucidity triggers.
Initially, I mostly became lucid by a momentary glimpse into a mirror and noticing great contrasts with my appearance in the waking state. By paying attention to the looks of my hair (or face) in future, the mirror has become a reality check technique itself and has successfully prevented false awakenings in the middle of the night. Would looking into your mirror and noticing a green lion’s mane on your head prompt lucid awareness? On other occasions, I found out that it seems better to take several peeks at a mirror in quick succession and compare the contradictory results. The second look has always made a difference to me, bringing about lucidity.
Lucid dream mirrors may have a ‘time defect.’
You cannot cheat a mirror; however, it can’t always cope with changes across time. While researching distinctive features of dream mirrors, I discovered that a real-time replication was impossible. For instance, a brief delay regularly took place in the mirror while performing quick dancing movements. Try that in your next lucid dream with a mirror.
A tool to confirm past actions.
Dream mirrors might provide information about successful dream work. As an example, I was once confronted with a reflection of a child and remembered that in my previous lucid dream from the same night, I integrated my shadow which had the same facial characteristics. The mirror seemed to show me that the integration was now being reflected in my image.
A communication method used by spiritual beings.
Keep your previous lucid experiments in mind to understand the interactions. Shortly after I had started exploring the source of Reiki energy, I had a dream where I glanced several times at a giant wall mirror during a conversation with the Sun Buddha Dainichi Nyorai. Surprisingly, the mirror image seemed to closely resemble the peaceful version of the Goddess Dai Marishi Ten, smiling at me with the telepathic message of assistance and protection.
A place for the manifestation of dream figures.
You never know what might manifest itself in a mirror. To take apparitions on reflective surfaces a step further, I once addressed the larger awareness: “Show me the creator of this dream!” At that moment, I was standing near a skyscraper on a complex of modern buildings. To my astonishment, a dream figure materialized in a glass pane and stepped out, approaching me. While being eyed intently, I suddenly realized I was just being considered for a job position in the team of the apparently sharp-witted genius in front of me, with the looks of an architect and a computer programmer at the same time.
A source of information about the dreamer.
Mirrors and reflective surfaces are suited to thorough self-reflection. However, make sure you can take criticism beforehand. While writing this article, I incubated a lucid dream described below:
Is that what I have become?
Lucid, I announce to the larger awareness: “Show me my inner life!” Wrinkling my nose about the unmodified dream scene, I remember my intent of asking a reflective surface the same question as an alternative. Looking around, a glass pane on a building of a school campus catches my eye. Having drawn nearer, I scrutinize the unordinary image of myself. This is what what I deduce from observing the outcome of my experiment: A man in a suit with a head in the shape of a mushroom (!) is looking back at me! Am I a teacher? Oh dear, I’m not a woman anymore! Am I too cold in my relationships? My brain is so big!
Do I concentrate too much on the intellectual side of life? The brain might refer to learning and consciousness as well… Lucid Dreaming?
Surprised, I repeat my request: “What does my inner life look like?” The figure in the glass pane narrows its eyebrows in response. I feel that I have upset ‘my reflection’ by asking the same question although I can already see the answer. Well, in reality, I would have reacted the same way. Intuitively, I stretch out my hand, forming the Abhaya mudra, the ‘have no fear gesture’ with the offer of friendship. After having pronounced “Nirvär,” a Kundalini mantra meaning ‘I know no enmity, no fury,’ I wake up in great excitement and relief.
A revealer of disguises.
Do not underestimate the inconspicuous dream figures in your lucid dreams. Probably one of my most interesting and important findings regarding mirrors in lucid dreams relates to an unexpected encounter with two unremarkable male dream figures from the west in a public institution:
Inspecting my surroundings, I frown at the picture in the mirror that covers the wall: One of the men now standing next to my reflection is Chinese and makes eye contact with me. However, as I turn swiftly to wards him, he keeps on looking the western way!
“Who are you?”, I exclaim bewildered and shoot another glance in the mirror. The Chinese reflection looks me straight in the eye, with a mysterious smile on its face. Should I know him? “Are you my spirit guide?” I ask with a sudden conviction. ‘That’s it,’ is the short and simple answer I receive from the mirror image.
So, to sum up and to make the point, mirrors are not what they seem to be—if they appear in your lucid dreams. They are always worth a proper examination. Approached thoughtfully, experiments in this area might result in a different attitude towards reflective surfaces both in the dreaming and waking state and enhance your practice of mindfulness.
Enns, A. (2018). Motiviert zum Klartraum: Ein Arbeitsbuch für Traumbewusste. Kindle Edition.
Enns, A. (2017). Uncovering the Source of the Reiki Energy in Lucid Dreams. Lucid Dreaming Experience Magazine, 6 (2), 6-8.
Reiche, U. (2012). Kundalini Yoga: Mit der universalen Lebenskraft zum wahren Selbst, O.W. Barth-eBook.
Saradananda, S. (2015). Mudras for Modern Life: Boost your health, re-energize your life, enhance your yoga and deepen your meditation, London: Watkins Publishing.