By Fiona Reynolds © 2015
I met a stranger in a landscape. The ground in the landscape was immensely colourful, the sky was a uniform semi-translucent blue. The hooded, cloaked stranger approached over the brow of a hill. I was hesitant at first, not sure if I should be worried by this character, so I asked telepathically, ‘Are you a friend or foe?’
The stranger stopped at a comfortable distance away from me and looked up. I could see his face beneath the hood, he was golden and smiling. I felt reassured and at ease with the stranger. I suddenly connected with the stranger. I could see and feel the scene from his perspective, whilst simultaneously experiencing my own perspective. When I connected to him, he also connected to me, so he also saw and felt what it was like to experience everything from my perspective.
It started as a static experience; that is, we both experienced the moment from each other‘s perspective, but then everything went into flow. Flow is a little difficult to describe. It is when the connection of one multiple perspective, multi-sensory moment moves into a connection of continuous time.
When the stranger and I connected, initially I could see and feel everything in the scene from his perspective and he could see and feel everything from mine. He could feel the change in me from feeling hesitant to feeling at ease, and I could feel his response to this change.
Then, I could suddenly feel and know who he was, his life history, and he could see and feel my life history. I knew all the emotions he experienced and the knowledge he‘d learned and vice versa.
This is flow.
At this point, the stranger suddenly transformed into multiple golden selves. These were all the people that he‘d ever been in contact with in his life. The selves multiplied to each side of him, in a row. I became connected to, and went into flow with, all of these selves. Then, these selves started multiplying in rows behind the stranger. These were all the people who had been in contact with the all people who had met the stranger in their lives. I went into flow with all these selves as well. What was notable about the selves behind the front row was that these selves seemed to traverse time. They went beyond one person‘s lifetime and back into past history.
There was an immense feeling of love flowing between me and all the selves in front of me.
The stranger then said telepathically, ‘Now look at the ground.’
When I looked, I realised that the colours also had their own perspective. I did connect with the colours but only in a uni-directional way: the colours flowed into my body but I did not share their perspective of the scene. However, I was aware they were connected to my perspective.
Senses in Dreams
Colours are usually multi-sensory in my dreams. When I see colours in my dreams, they are also tactile, which I can sense in my hands and in my mouth. Sometimes the colours are also powder pigments as well as being visual. Sometimes they are crunchy multi-dimensional shapes which I feel in my mouth. If they are multi-dimensional shapes, I also see the perspective from each plane of the shape, whilst experiencing my own overall perspective. Sometimes colours are linked to the sensation of touching objects, so that the colour and tactile sense become a separate sense in itself.
Time is also a sense in my dreams. I say this because time seems to merge with my dream body, so that time becomes light which extends out from my body. Sometimes time branches out, spirals inwards or overlays itself in multiple folds. It‘s usually golden in colour, sometimes a deep red. When time and colour come together in my dreams, they always take the form of light.
Love is a constant sense in my dream. It is ever-present and infinite. Sometimes, it also has a visual form. For instance, in one dream I focussed on the love and it poured oscillating golden waves of light from every object in my dream. The love is very bound up with the experience or sensation of being connected to everything in my dream. So, I usually experience everything in my dreams from the perspective of any person or object, whilst simultaneously experiencing my own perspective. Our responses to each other‘s perspectives are also continuously shared.
Lucid Dreaming vs. Vivid Dreaming (Active vs. Passive)
I am new to the concept of lucid dreaming. I‘ve only been practising for the past 6 months and managed to achieve lucidity about five times. By contrast, I‘ve been a vivid dreamer for 15 years and have incredibly multi-sensory, multi -perspective dreams and have good dream recall. My dreams go back thirty years, to when I was 15 years old, but the last 15 years of dreams have been very intense and immense.
I am struggling slightly with lucid dreaming. Perhaps it‘s due to inexperience, but I‘ve found that when I achieve lucidity, I become my five-sense self within my dream landscape. I also have my five-sense brain and knowledge. So when I am lucid, I feel restricted compared to what my vivid dreams feel like.
When I dream vividly, I seem to be my ‘higher self’ with my extra senses and multiple perspectives. I have also received knowledge in my dreams about everything in the universe (which I promptly forget upon waking, apart from the fact that we are all eternal) and in my dream world this knowledge is cumulative. When I dream vividly, I know that I am in my dream landscape because of the sense of love in my dream and the colour senses. I have a feeling of, ‘Great, I‘m here again, thank goodness, now on with more dream experiences.’ However, my dreams unfold in their own way, rather than me asking questions or exploring them actively. I guess I would describe it as being subtly lucid.
I had one lucid dream which explains what happened when I tried to force things, but again this probably comes down to inexperience.
Dream Control
I was in a village landscape. I was talking to a man when I suddenly became lucid. He started to walk away from me, so I demanded that he came back, ‘because I am lucid’ I declared, ‘so I control you! Come back!’ The man started walking back down the hill towards me, when he got up close enough he said the word ‘No!’ firmly in my face and then walked back over the hill.
I immediately turned around for something to control. I saw a tree and ordered it to turn yellow. It shimmered yellow for a couple of seconds, then returned to its normal colour. Then I turned to the villagers who were milling around. I ordered them to ‘come and have an interesting conversation with me.’ They all just stared and walked past.
I then went to the edge of a field and demanded that a lake appear. A muddy, swampy field appeared. I walked back to the village square. The dream spoke to me and said gently, ‘No, no no. This is not what dreams are for. You know it‘s beyond all this nonsense.’
Purpose of Dreams
I‘m still baffled as to the purpose of my dreams. What I experience in my dreams seems too vital and important, and yet there seems almost no way of sharing it! I seem to live in two very vastly different worlds with two vastly different selves.
About 30% of my dreams are Samsaric dreams. The other 70% of my dreams seem to be like a dream university. They are very difficult to share or even write down because of the multi-sensory aspect and the fact that I forget all ancient knowledge that is passed on to me!
I have started journaling my dreams and patterns are appearing. I am working on revisiting locations and themes in the dreams as well as re-meeting dream characters, who normally make one-off appearances. Hopefully, I‘ll find a way of bridging the gap between my two worlds, which right now seem very far apart.