by Marlise © 2018
After turning lucid in an old cellar, an amazing thing happened. It wasn’t my intent to sing, it just happened. It really was an awe-inspiring experience for me! I wrote the dream into the form of a poem:
Chanting ‘OM’
Inside an emerald arch cellar
Amphoras morph into golden dinosaurs
Chanting full-throated ‘OM’
WOW – the cellar hums
‘OM’ singing golden dinosaurs
Passing me, almost touching my arm
No fear! It’s a dream!
Chanting courageous ‘OM’ as they do,
Chanting ‘OM AH HUM,
Light beams shine from the ceiling
Wonderful Lucid Light enters the cave
Flying towards the Lucid Light,
Through the roof is my wish –
No way to reach!
Up and up the ceiling moves!
Photos by Marlise via Lucid Dreaming Experience