In lucid dreams, follow the creativity….
After a few years as a beginning lucid dreamer, I noticed a simple point: as my mind changes, the lucid dream normally reflects the change. For example, when lucidly aware and trying to fly, my sudden remembrance that ‘Gravity does not exist here,‘ would immediately ‘create‘ a space where I could fly easily. In a matter of moments, I could fly upside down, feet first, backwards looking down or standing straight like a statue! The mental change, or the belief change, created a new experience, or a new reality.
On other occasions, I quickly noticed the ‘expectation effect‘ in which a sudden shift in expectation became instantly materialized. If I expected to have trouble with a dream figure, suddenly it became upset or difficult, or if I expected it to act seductively, suddenly it became a seducer. Apparently my expectation ‘created‘ a corresponding response, which became reflected in the space around me.
But these kind of simple examples, I eventually discovered, seem small ‘c‘ creativity. Especially, once I began to engage the big ‘C‘ creativity of the non-visible awareness behind the dream, and asked to experience concepts and the unknown.
Most anyone can experience this greater Creativity by simply opening up and allowing it in a lucid dream. How?
Just stop in the lucid dream, ignore the dream figures, objects and setting, and reach out to the awareness by announcing, ‘Show me something important for me to see!‘ or ‘Let me experience unconditional love!‘
Often at these moments, the entire lucid dream will suddenly change and create an all-encompassing new and creative experience. The depth of the response shows the depth of the creativity.
When you make an open-ended request (by that, I mean a request that does not have a predetermined response), the capital ‘C‘ Creativity has an opportunity to emerge. Stephen LaBerge discussed the idea of ‘surrendering‘ in his books, and noted that these moments often led to the most powerful lucid dreams. With any luck, whether requesting ‘Show me something important for me to see!‘ or surrendering to the Highest, you will soon know that you are knock, knock, knocking on Creativity‘s door (to paraphrase Bob Dylan).
For those who have tried this, they realize that the experienced creativity may depend on three inner factors:
1) Your level of acceptance and openness,
2) Your ability to let go of self conceptions and flow with whatever comes,
3) And your degree of fearlessness.
Secure in your self, and secure in the lucid dream, you can then have a powerful experience of true Creativity, beyond the ego or waking self‘s relatively simplistic assumptions and determinations. As you seek successive growth in reaching out to inner creativity, you break routine conceptual boundaries. Creativity begins to sweep away the old and calcified, the barriers and borders. By following this inner path to capital ‘C‘ Creativity, you may even begin to ponder the secrets of creation.
Of course, questions will emerge: Who creates? From whence comes creativity?