By Gregg Irvin © 2016
I’m very interested in the ability to wake up another person in the Astral/Dream world and help them achieve lucidity. You are in effect waking them up to themselves. If this can be done consistently with verification, we would have a reliable way to bring about lucidity to those who have prepared themselves, and we would have proven the phenomenon of Mutual Dreaming.
I have had a fair amount of success in this area, but it came about in a rather interesting way. My father was a big student of metaphysics, he was a huge fan of Seth, and he also devoured the works of Ruth Montgomery, Edger Cayce, Rudolf Steiner, and was a dedicated student of the Theosophical society. I made an agreement with my father that whosoever would die first would try to wake up the other person in the Astral/Dream World. First tell the other person they’re dreaming, and if that doesn’t work, ‘make sure you touch them’.
This phenomenon had worked before with my grandfather. When I saw him in a dream about 3 months after he had died, we shook hands. I immediately became lucid. When he shook my hand it was like a ‘very powerful’ charge shooting through my being, very powerful. I proceeded to tell him about all the interesting things he could do in the Astral/Dream World. His reply was classic: he said, ‘It‘s easy when you come here knowing how to do it but I’m not sure.’ I remained lucid for about 5 minutes showing him how to fly, as well as other Astral World possibilities.
A number of years later my father died in his sleep. Four weeks later I was in a dream in a nondescript house when I heard a knock at the door. When I opened the door there stood my father. I thought, ‘If I’m seeing you then that must mean I’m dreaming,‘ and I instantly became lucid. I asked him what it was like to be dead, and he started telling me about the required reviewing process of the life just lived. I was so excited to see him, as well as being lucid, it was hard to concentrate on what he was saying. After about 2 minutes I couldn’t hold onto my lucidity and the dream collapsed.
About three weeks later, I saw my father again, only this time I did not immediately become lucid. My father, noticing this, reached over and touched me ever so slightly with the tip of his finger. It was like someone was giving a battery a jump. I was jolted into lucidity in a most profound way. The surge of energy I felt catapulted my awareness to a very high degree, and I could somehow see my past, present, and sense my future. It was like being on a mountain top with binoculars, 20/20 vision, and 20/20 hindsight. We talked for awhile and he told me some things about myself I needed to know. The dream faded about 3 minutes later. To date I’ve had about five other lucid dreams in which my father touched me, and brought me to lucidity.
The last time this happened I was sitting at a table and I noticed my deceased aunt sitting across from me. I kept telling myself that something wasn’t right. If you‘re dead, then…? Sensing my confusion, she reached over and with the tip of her finger touched me on the back of my hand, and I became lucid. She proceeded to ask me what do you do when you‘re dead? I had a hard time holding onto my lucidity, and as I started to tell her, the dream ended about a minute later. Needless to say this is something that needs to be explored.
When this tone or signature is generated, it can be ‘heard’ and acknowledgment of it can be used to locate that person in the Astral/Dream World. It would be like paging somebody, they could either come to you, or they could tell you where they are. When found, could anybody be awakened to the Dream World with a simple touch?