Jamila Suzanne
Metal Ball/Bowl
March 2012: about to enter into a lucid dream workshop and given the task to look for a reflective surface and see what happens. I had two dreams: one the first night where when I found the reflective surface and realized lucidity, I woke up. The second night is as follows:
The dream begins with a relaxed leisurely feeling, as if I were strolling through scenes; alleyways, roads, homes, fields of nature, all scenes washing through my psyche. I begin to seek out a reflective surface, not just any reflective surface, one that can accurately show me more of myself. I gained lucidity early in this dream space, as I was moving from scene to scene.
As I walked into a restaurant-certified style kitchen I knew I was in the correct place. I gave the room a quick scan and located my reflective piece. About a foot above my point of reference on a shelf was a large stainless steel mixing bowl. A ha! I thought and moved closer to it. People were buzzing around me, but it was as though I didn’t notice them or they me. I stood with clear focus and asked it as I looked into it for an accurate reflection of myself.
Almost before the words were out of my mouth or nonverbally through my brain – I can’t remember which – the bowl crumpled into a tiny ball, smaller than my fist, like aluminum foil might do and then I dissipated into a bright ball of light myself. Off the metal ball/bowl went leading and I followed, fast. We went zooming, traveling far. It felt like I was inside energetic circuitry and then all of a sudden we stopped.
Pure emptiness. Dark, calm, non-attached spaciousness. I woke.
Mirror Trigger
In my dream I was looking at my reflection in the mirror and realized that my mirror self which actually looked a little different, yet I knew it was me, had her eyes closed.
And that actually prompted my rational thinking to kick in and ask, “Wait a minute – you’re looking at yourself with your eyes closed?” I then realized that I was dreaming and wished to fly. Instantly I was bolting upwards but got stuck in some plastic fabric (in the ceiling?). After trying to dig through, something told me to give up digging but instead give it another try flying.
So this time the feeling of flying lasted for what felt half an eternity before I lost focus and woke up.
I might add that I’m no skilled LDer or OBEer and that I can’t recall dreaming of a mirror ever before. Anyway, it was great fun!
Gustavo Vieira
Talking to My Reflected Self
I had a beautiful, somewhat philosophical experience of lucid dreaming with a mirror. I’m doing several things but I am not lucid. Then, in the dream, I walk into a room that has a mirror with my reflection. Then I become lucid. I think, “I see my reflection in a mirror in a dream …Never before has this happened to me.”
So I start doing some reality checks. I look at my reflected hands, look into my eyes, say my name… I notice that the reflected body is different than mine. It has some similarities though. Another thing I notice is the movements. They’re not coordinated with what I do.
So what do I decide to do? I go inside the mirror to the other side (the reflected side). My “other self” is amazed and I start to talk with him:
Me: “Who are you”?
Other: “I am me and you are you. Where do you come from?”
I push further into the mirror and finally my eyes go through and I emerge into a big meadow with a train track running through the middle. It is WAY better than I imagined. The sky is romantic – purple, blue, pink and orange – and the fields are full of beautiful wild flowers. The hills are rolling which I had not expected and there are mountains in the far distance. I am overjoyed!
These dreams were first published at Rebecca’s website ‘World of Lucid Dreaming’ www.world-of-lucid-dreaming.com
Sally Terrence
Drowsy Lucid Mirror
My first prolonged lucid dream (and first mirror experience) was influenced, I think, by two things. Firstly, I had already had a two hour nap during the day, so when I went to bed that night I had some extra mental energy to give myself the suggestion to become lucid. Also, I had been reading a very relevant passage from Castaneda just before sleep:
It is the middle of the night, and I am lying in a bed in a very large dorm (unknown to me in waking life). I know that a friend of mine is sleeping on the other side of the room. I drift in and out of consciousness in slow waves. At one point, I feel as if someone is sitting gently on the edge of my bed.
In the darkness, with eyes still closed, I question the reality of this sensation and fall into sleep again. Once more, I slowly develop this vague feeling, and wonder if it is a dream or hypnogogic hallucination. I linger on it a little, thinking maybe it is real, but then drift back to sleep anyway.
Awhile later, I feel that the person is reclining beside me, between myself and the wall. I slowly realise it is another friend, K, with whom there is some mutual attraction. I reach out and touch him, surprised and amused that he would approach me like this, without words, and with others nearby. I am also aware that somewhere else, my body is asleep in a different bed.
I feel his chest, mainly to test that I have access to the sense of touch. It is perfectly realistic, which always amazes me in dreams. K helps me get up, and we go out into the facility – a complex of old buildings that a group of people have been using for a gathering of some kind.
I am in an extremely drowsy state throughout the dream, perhaps similar to coming out of an anaesthetic. I walk very slowly, only with assistance, and am not really capable of speaking much. But I feel contented and cared for, and very happy that I am lucid. K leads me around with total patience and compassion, aware of my impairment, and without judgement. He is my attentive friend, lover, assistant and personal entertainer. He introduces me to some people sitting in a kind of loungeroom, and then we go on several other adventures. He dresses up and clowns around to amuse me.
At one point, he wears a strange jacket, with rounded metal panels on the cuffs. He puts one of these to my cheek, in a very gentle movement like a teasing play-fight. I like this, both because I enjoy that he is clowning with me, and also because it gives me another opportunity to test my sense of dream touch. The metal is cold against my cheek, perfectly realistic, which makes me happy.
As he helps me walk through the hallway, I see a mirror on the wall. ‘How interesting,’ I think. ‘I have never seen a mirror in a lucid dream before’. Cautiously I look into it, wondering if the reflection will be true to life. Certainly, it is my face, although my skin has a strange blotchiness to it. I put this down to my dream consciousness being imperfect, rather than thinking I am sick. I do not wish to look too long, in case the image begins to distort.
Maria Isabel Pita
The Ancient Mirror
An Excerpt: Full Blue Moon
…I lose all visuals but instead of darkness I’m immersed in a bright heavenly blue color. It’s very strange because there is an oval or egg shaped opening directly before me I can see through to a space beyond the blue but that is still part of it, and there’s still not really anything to look at except a slightly darker blue but which is very faint and pixelated, like a dry brush stroke, or a very, very far away cloud.
I’m still lucid, fully rooted in the dream, which feels very stable as I wonder how I can get through this blue. Void space is usually black or filled with stars. After a short while, a scene literally forms out of the blue as below me I see two very real looking brick fences parallel to each other, the outer one slightly taller, which seem to surround a long structure. I’m able to quickly fly between them and through a rectangular opening in the innermost one. I land in a very pleasant and very long open air courtyard area of sorts.
I remember seeing but can’t identify elegant black wrought iron details. The clear sunny atmosphere is part of this location’s elegant wealth, but not in a monetary sense at all. Yet even as I turn right and begin walking, I’m suddenly inside and the atmosphere is dark and shadowy, the muted illumination hinting at a time before electricity. Some of the tables to my right are occupied by dark figures, but I’m primarily aware of myself.
I’m very tall and very slender, and I’m conscious of being in a constant state of sexual arousal, which I have well under control but which is definitely there, and stoked by the sense of eyes on me as I walk, displaying myself and my availability. I’m wearing a long dark-red dress with a subtle gleam to the material held up by thin straps, the bodice and ankle-length skirt meeting tightly at my waist contributing to my contained excitement.
I come to the end of the broad aisle where it is much darker and suddenly see a large mirror hanging on the stone wall. I walk right up to it curiously, and am astonished to see that I don’t look remotely like myself in this life. The tall thin body and face are most decidedly not my own. I study my reflection closely. It is that of an older woman with small, almost pinched features framed with branching wrinkles.
I’m somewhat dismayed to observe that not only am I not very attractive, I’m seriously getting up in years. Who I see reflected before me is someone completely unknown to me. I step even closer to the mirror to study this woman, wondering what incarnation she hails from, what past or parallel life.
The curious thing is, I distinctly sense that her looks don’t affect her contentment, her quiet, if somewhat resigned, pride in herself and what she has to offer. I understand that in this place there are still people who will take pleasure in her, who will use her, satisfying her own needs in the process, and that this is enough for her. I get the sense of an ancient location where she is akin to an offering made to a temple; she has no other life and does not desire one. She is glad to be in service here.
Obeying some unknown impulse, I open my mouth wide, so wide that my jaw dislocates like a snake’s, and in the black cavernous opening I perceive a substance akin to quicksilver that also possesses the muted glowing softness of a pearl, its darkgreen depths lightening on the surface to jade.
And from this liquid mist (for lack of a better way to describe it) another egg-shaped face emerges or is born, as though rising from the black depths of my throat. I’m slightly amused by the ghoulish scene, but primarily I’m intrigued by the appearance of what I take to be another incarnation, just one of innumerable others. Staring at what feels like a very ancient egg-like embryo of another me, who once was or still is somewhere, I phase out of the dream.
Melanie Schädlich
The Old Woman
Within a long series of lucid and non-lucid scenes, including false and real awakenings, I had the following lucid episode:
I am in my childhood home, aware of being in a dream. I pass a mirror and notice an old woman in the mirror with white hair tied in a knot. Her face is full of wrinkles and there is a very warm and friendly expression on her face. She radiates happiness, wisdom, and a kind of satisfied relaxation. I also see a face on each side of the old woman’s face, at different times, somehow.
One of these faces shows me, but with black hair like I had some years ago. I ask the old woman ‘Who are you?’ At that moment she somehow morphs into me, but the face is still old and has black hair. I think: ‘Okay, that is me at an old age and I will be happy!’ I stay in front of the mirror for a while. Old and young faces are taking turns and are transforming from one into another.
At one point there is the old woman again, but with creepy black eyes. Another time, I seem to recognize my late grand aunt and I feel really happy to meet her here and I call her name, but the image gets blurry again. Then I see the old woman from the beginning again, but now she looks ugly and crazy with a mad and lopsided sneer and black and protruding teeth. I think ‘Crap, what if that is me when I am old…’ I feel very uneasy now.
But then the image again turns into the kind and charismatic old woman and I intentionally look for similarities between her and me by comparing my ‘real reflection’ (which I see on the left side of the old face) with the old woman. I believe I find some similarities (after awakening I thought that there had not really been any) and I am again convinced that the ‘reflection’ shows me when I’m old, which makes me feel relieved and happy. I then have a false awakening.
Harry Potter Mirror
The following dream was with the aid of some supplements, and was lucid for all parts from the beginning.
OBE. I am with a bunch of other people. We are part of a musical about Harry Potter. I choose to be Snape. No one else chooses the lead three characters as I move away.
Scene changes and I am flying on a broom through Hogwarts. I am trying to hide. There are many tunnels of stone and I easily maneuver through them. Some are quite small. I have a real sense of urgency to hide as the final battle is raging and Voldamort is trying to get me. I find a bed with lots of pillows piled on it and lay near it. I see Hermione go by.
I get up and see a mirror. I want to see myself. I look like I do now. I then recall some people at MM [Mortal mist] talking about going through mirrors like a portal. I try to put my head through it but no success. So I put my hand through and it works.
I go through the mirror to a scene change and am in a baby’s room. The baby is there, about 8 months old. We are able to talk to each other. She says her name but I don’t quite get it as it is slightly mumbled so she repeats it. Her name is Julia. I immediately think of the Beatle’s song, “Julia”. I ask if she wants to go downstairs and she does. So I pick her up and take her.
Her mother is there, sitting in a chair asleep. She is about 30 with short dark hair. I gently wake her and tell her that we are dreaming. She seems pleasantly surprised. I tell them that we can fly and I do, still holding Julia. Julia loves this. I put her down and grab her mom’s hand and we fly around the room.
I had a FA and an experience with a “negative” entity, then another OBE and had the following which was an extension of the above dream.
I am back at Julia’s home. Her mom is happy to see me and Julia is now 4, running around the room in underwear only. I am in her bed, naked. Her mom tells me that her husband has heard about their experience with me and didn’t quite believe it. He then walks in. He has a uniform on which reminds me of an astronaut in training. I am introduced to him. He sits on the bed to my left, Julia’s mom is to the right. He asks me how I know we are just dreaming. As he is asking, he seems to want to feel under the covers.
I ask him to give me his hand. He leaves his left In Your Mirror Dreams hand under the covers but gives me his right. I tell him that if we weren’t dreaming I wouldn’t be able to do this, and put my index finger through his hand. He looks intently at it and I wake and start recording the night’s experiences.
This was my second LD with a mirror, but my first with using it as a portal, which I will do again when the next opportunity arises.
Darryl Anderson
Memorable Mirror Experience
This is a dream I had when I was a teenager. I’m 50 years old now. I had read an article about entering mirrors in a lucid dream, so I was determined to try this the next time I had a lucid dream.
What I recall is that I was in a house when I became lucid. I remembered what I wanted to do, so I quickly ran around the house looking for a mirror. I came across a full length mirror and stood in front of it. I don’t recall if there was a reflection of me. I proceeded to walk into the mirror.
I pushed my hands through it first, and when I did, something unexpected happened. Where my hands met the mirror it became sparkly like 4th of July sparklers, and I could hear electrical noises.
I was amazed, but I continued to push my way through. Every part of me that touched the mirror sparked. I was unable to make it completely through the mirror before waking up, but the experience was memorable.
Helmy Parlente Kusuma
Billboard and Mirror Portals
This dream occurred about two years ago. I don’t remember the exact date, but this was my first lucid dream. I was driving in a convertible with a lady beside me. We were chasing another car. The car we chased suddenly jumped into a billboard and disappeared. I decided to follow suit. The billboard was a portal.
We arrived in another kind of environment and the car we chased was nowhere to be found. We didn’t care because we were amazed at this new environment. I said to the lady, “We are in a different dimension.” (At this point I became lucid.)
Here was a vast field filled with ‘billboard’ portals and there were many people hanging around and about. I decided to explore. The lady was now not with me. I saw some crowd and went there. It was some kind of an exhibition. I went inside. Inside the exhibition there were many people in formal attire and there were many human body-sized mirrors.
Men in suits were explaining to the other visitors about those mirrors, and ladies in bathing suits were standing by the sides of each mirror.
I sauntered around and asked one of the men in a suit whether there was a mirror for parallel dimensions? He didn’t seem to understand, so I asked again whether there was a mirror for interplanetary travel? He glanced away and left me.
I shrugged and decided to try the mirror myself. I went to the end of the room and put my hand to a mirror. The surface of the mirror felt fluid-like but not like water; more like jelly that left no residue. I hesitated and pulled my hand back. I thought what the heck and braced myself. I pushed all the way through the other side of the mirror.
It was the same room but different situation; there was nobody there, save one man sitting next to the mirror.
I went back through the mirror and now the air was heavy. It was like walking through water. Breathing was quite an effort. I felt my lungs struggled for air. I swung around my hands and could feel the resistance of the air, just like swimming. There was no residue on my body. Then I noticed that the air was colorful, many gradients of pink.
Suddenly my aunt called me. It turned out that the visitors of this exhibition were mostly my relatives. I thought to myself that because this was a dream, I just wanted to do a reality check. (But I woke up.)
Paul Sauers
The Woman in the Mirror
My affirmation before going to sleep was to surrender to God and to have a dream where I would realize that I was dreaming and become lucid. My goal was also to have a spiritual experience or meditate within the dream.
I was at a lavish English dinner party where all of the waiters were dressed in elaborate and highly colorful costumes of the 17th century. They were serving primarily pudding and pastries that were being smothered in various forms of cream and brandy sauces. I particularly remember one with bananas and another with raspberries that I was spooning out from a desert tray that was being handed around.
There was an attractive middle aged woman in a velvet red dress who was assisting me with the servings and getting me to try different ones. Everyone was pleasant and the tone of the evening was somewhat subdued.
I also noticed in the dream that there was a somewhat stoic waiter sitting in an alcove near me with some writing below a mirror that I could not read (I suspect that this was an attempt to get me lucid). The waiter later got up and assisted at the table.
I had the feeling that there was an extremely attractive woman, who I could not see watching me and smiling at me from the corner of my eye.
Later, in the dream I stood up and was able to see her in a large baroque mirror. The mirror had somewhat of a bluish blur or reflection in it. I though it is what one would perhaps expect for glass or mirrors of that period. Her form was indistinct, and perhaps somewhat ghostly, but I sensed her beauty and love.
I immediately became lucid, and did flying twirls in the room to confirm my lucidity. I then decided to do my meditation.
I started with “I surrender to God’s love and desire to experience more Truth and Knowledge of God. I am the resurrection and the Light. I Am a child of the Light. I Am saved by the Light. I Am protected by the Light. I Am sustained by the Light. I Am the Light of the world and that is my only function. I Am Infinite Being.”
Soon after my meditation I awoke and was asking myself who the woman in the mirror was and sensed (was told?) that it was Mary the mother of God.
This made sense to me in that in one of my meditations I have a mantra listing all of the names of God and actually include Mary in the list.
Olli Erjanti
Fluid Mirror
I’m dreaming of being in my grandmother’s house. I walk in a room empty of people and look outside at traffic from a third floor. I think that this a place that that I usually dream of. I think that I need to do a reality check to know if I’m dreaming. I walk out to a dark corridor towards kitchen and try to float. Gently I start rising toward the ceiling. I think ,”This is cool. I learned to fly. I have to tell my friends.”
I’m not still sure if this is a dream and realize that I need to do another reality check. I float to the bathroom and look for a mirror and reflection. First I see myself quite normally floating in the reflection but then my image starts to go fuzzy and get fluid distortions. I see myself like through a fog of greengray light. I realize finally after two reality checks that, “Yes this is a dream.” I enjoy floating in the air for a while and start thinking what to do when I start to wake up and open my eyes in my bed.
Maria Isabel Pita
Mirrors in Lucid Dreams
In the dream, I dream that I’m asleep and dreaming. I enter a bathroom, where I stop short before a mirror in which I am reflected along with another woman on my left and my husband on my right. The woman’s intent expression, the half smile on her lips, hard and challenging, gives me a slight shock that focuses me.
I clearly see myself in the mirror so when I look down at my body and can’t see it, I suffer a slight moment of panic. Then I realize it’s because below the waist I’m wearing a white or light-gray tunic that blends with the fog in the glass, whereas my upper body is clad in a geometrical garment shaped like an inverted black pyramid that is well defined. Looking at it, I know I’m in a dream, which in the earlier part of my dream was my intention, to become lucid.
I walk out of the bathroom and stand poised on the threshold of an archway at the top and center of the building looking down a grand flight of steps such as one might find in a Cathedral. The city beyond it is very nice looking, all white with golden details. I’m savoring the sensation of being absolutely, perfectly lucid as I slowly take flight. I’m in no hurry, simply enjoying the knowledge that I’m awake in a dream, when suddenly a featureless veil falls over my eyes and I can’t see a thing.
I wait, but nothing happens, and after a few moments I experience a false awakening and dream that I’ve just awoken from a lucid dream. I find myself in a crowd of people entering a large building evocative of a train terminal, like Grand Central Station. I’m moving purposefully, and when I pass a public bathroom, I recognize it as the one I entered at the beginning of my lucid dream. I push open the door and look for the mirror I know will be on my right as I walk in, and there it is, which confirms the reality of my lucid dream. I wake for real.