By Christine Heineman © 2015
As a child I used to dream I was flying over my neighborhood above all the houses. I was too young at the time to really get a grasp of what was really happening. For most of my life I have had an interest in psychic awareness. About six years ago I took a psychic development class and it was there that I learned how to recall my dreams. I learned to say an affirmation just before I went to sleep of wanting to recall my dream. Writing in my dream journal became a passion of mine. During that time I discovered I could predict what was going to be in the media in the next day or two.
This past year I became a Certified Clinical Hypnotist. Within the program I took a class called Dreams and Metaphors. It was in this class that I learned about lucid dreaming and incubating dreams. One of the assignments was to incubate our dreams with something we wanted to work on. I chose to work on letting go of the hurt I felt from past relationships.
Each time I had set my intention to work on my fear of relationships, my ex-husband showed up in the dream. Not all of the dreams were lucid at first. I clearly understood the symbolism when I dreamt of him driving a truck and I was the passenger. I also understood the symbolism of the surroundings like winter storm-type weather with icy slippery roads and him driving into oncoming traffic. Here is the point where I became lucid. I changed the scenery of the dream to green grass and good weather. I moved the truck over to the correct side of the road and told him to get out of the truck. I had control of the vehicle and drove off feeling much happier.
In another lucid dream I had as I was working through my relationship issues, I was in the middle of a mall walking on a treadmill. The treadmill started to move backward as I was walking on it and then it broke. Just as that happened, a young couple who I assumed were husband and wife came up to me. The wife said to me, ‘It‘s okay to get back on it.’ Here is the point I became lucid.
All of a sudden, I noticed a brand new treadmill right next to the broken one. I got right on the new one and kept on walking. I understand the symbolism of this to be that it‘s okay to just keep going even if something is broken.
I had another lucid dream with a similar meaning but different symbolism. In the dream I was talking to a gentleman who I found interesting. He wanted some information from me but I was hesitant to tell him everything. There was a copy machine there and I was about to print a copy of the information he wanted, however, the copy machine was broken. Here is where I became lucid.
In noticing that the copy machine was broken, I decided to put the paper through it anyway. I was determined to make a copy of information for this man I was speaking with. Again, the symbolism being even though something feels broken I can still proceed with what I want to do.
During a recent dream where I was speaking to my exhusband, I decided to walk towards him to hug and kiss him. I felt that the symbolism was about embracing that past relationship as it was. I feel in that moment some forgiveness and letting go happened. It‘s a work in progress, however, it‘s definitely a step forward.
In conclusion, I continue to work on my relationship issues through my dreams. I feel more confident and in control since I first started my healing process. I know when I become mindful in my dreams and see my ex-husband, it‘s an opportunity for me to learn and grow. Seeing him in my dream presents an opportunity to stay focused and conscious in the dream.