Photo by geralt via Pixabay
by Steve Racicot © 2018
In many of my lucid dreams I reach out to experience union with Spirit. As a result, several of my lucid dreams have been some of the most awe-inspiring experiences of my life. These dreams have actually brought about a change of consciousness in my waking life for which I am deeply grateful. The following dream is one example.
Dream Flight Mirrors Inner Ecstasy
I am inside the house and want to go outside. I decide to just walk through the wall as I have in other dreams. I feel my body moving through this structure. I especially feel my face go through the wall. It feels like when you submerge your face and head slowly into water. In fact, when I notice this feeling, I see an image of my face emerging out of water with ripples moving out from it.
At this point, I fully realize I am dreaming and say, “Yes, this is a dream.” It’s a good feeling to know I am dreaming. I am floating along in the air outside our house. Spontaneously, I focus on my soul, my true, spiritual self. I pray, “My soul, my soul, I long for spiritual union with you. Please grant me spiritual union.”
As I pray this I feel I am lifted up. I experience a flying and bird-like swooping feeling beyond my control. I am carried up and up, then flip and loop over backwards. Some unseen force carries me speeding downwards now until I pull out of the dive and the force flings me up again at amazing speed. At the same time, inside of my dream body, I feel a kind of ecstasy that burns and moves from place to place within me. These feelings of inner ecstasy and of my dream body flying create a sensation of joy.
I have the thought that my dream body flying is mirroring my inner feelings of the ecstasy moving about inside my body. Throughout all this, I continue to focus on my soul and pray for conscious union. Now I feel as though my dream body is dissolving into this feeling of joy. Then “I” am also dissolving. This ecstatic feeling continues for some time. I don’t know how long because “I” have disappeared. It’s difficult to describe. At any rate, after “I” return, I experience a couple of false awakenings before finally waking up.
This lucid dream put me into a very nice altered state of consciousness the entire next day. At the time, I was working with a crew building a house. It was January. The temperature was ten degrees below zero when I left our house for work that morning. At work, we were framing the roof and the rafters were covered in frost. It was the kind of day that I usually would have hated working in, the kind of day that I would have been thinking of moving to a warmer climate.
But, because of my dream connection to Spirit, I was not in my usual state of consciousness. In fact, everything just looked beautiful to me. I really did not care about the severe working conditions. It just did not bother me. I assure you, this was not normal for me. Normally, I would have been swearing and complaining. When one of the guys I worked with complained about how damn cold it was, I thought, “Oh, this is just how God is manifesting today.” Of course, I didn’t say this out loud to anyone, but that is how I felt.
I did not see anything other than the everyday, physical world I was working in, but, because I had been touched by the Spirit in my dream, I strongly felt that everything — the snow, the cold, the house we were building, and the people working on it — were all God manifesting in this world, and it felt perfect.
It is clear to me that when I reached out to experience union with my soul in my lucid dream that the Spirit answered me both in my dream world and in my waking, physical world. Because of the change brought about in my consciousness, I was able to see this physical world as Spirit.