By Andres Broos © 2012
For several days in a row I have been repeating requests to my inner self just before sleeping. One of them was this: “Around five o’clock I will become lucid in my dream” (I wake up at 7 for work.)
I didn’t have any success with that request. Maybe it needed a bit more effort from my side. Today as usual I naturally woke up around 5 o’clock but instead of going directly back to sleep, I decided to mentally repeat, “I am dreaming, this is a dream, I am lucid in my dream.” I kept repeating this and my mind wandered a couple of times away, but I realized it and started repeating the phrases.
At a certain point my mind wandered away again but this time I realized that I was already in a dream, so I became lucid almost as soon as the dream began! I was in an open space where there were many people. First test I did was to shout out loud, “All mental forms must disappear!”
And then almost half of the characters were gone! (I read that good idea in Robert Waggoner’s book, and wanted to test it). Upon this first success, I then lost interest in the environment and decided to accomplish one of the contest task given by Robert at the end of the workshop [Robert Waggoner offers an online workshop called Lucid Dreaming and Living Lucidly at The contest goal was to meditate in a lucid dream.
Lucid, I sat down in half lotus position, closed my eyes and started to repeat some Tibetan mantras for the chakras. While repeating the mantras, a red plastic bottle cap became stuck in between my left hand fingers. That distracted me and I just threw it away. I continue practicing and I notice my body was floating around in a room without control.
The open environment had transformed into a room. I was floating and bumping into objects all around. I remember the sensation of bumping into a pile of cloth, clearly feeling the texture of a towel.
I tried not to pay attention to all those distractions but then I noticed that my voice was unusual. It had a strange pitch. That distracted me from the practice too! Nevertheless I continue doing the meditation. The meditation wasn’t as powerful I as expected.
I think the fact that being distracted so many times points out that in waking reality my meditation is very much distracted by thoughts! The lucid dream didn’t last too much longer, so after a while I woke up.