Hayden Ebert
Comparing Colors
I was away with a group of people who were all interested in lucid dreaming and the out of body state. We discussed the subject before bed and I felt highly motivated to have a lucid dream.
I found myself in a room in the building we were staying in. Since the room did not exist in waking reality, I realised I was dreaming and became lucid. One of the guys I was staying with was there and we discussed verifying the experience whilst we were there to check when we awoke whether we experienced the same thing.
I asked him what colour he saw the walls, he replied ‘Bright cerise pink!’ to which I agreed and we were happy we had confirmed that was consistent.
Another guy we were staying with was sat cross legged on the sofa and had an interesting pair of socks on, the toes were different colours; to me they were all different shades of blue. I asked the other guy what he saw and he said he saw greens and reds…. we then sat back and discussed how strange it was that he saw those colours whilst I saw the blues.
Looking for other things to compare, I reached over and grabbed a bottle of lavender oil that was on a side table and took a large sniff of it, which gave a very convincing aroma…

Image by Devanath from Pixabay
The dream then faded out before I could compare the smell with the other guy.
I awoke in the morning and asked the others about the dream and whether they experienced anything similar but unfortunately they hadn’t…. nonetheless it was a very interesting lucid dream!
Carole Lindberg
Various Encounters, Various Perception
In my first few years of lucid dreaming, I would hardly ever meet any other dream characters. I think this was because I induced and set up dreams using the WILD method, and my dreams were self experimental, flying, going through walls, just checking out the territory in which I found myself. I would frequently wonder that there was no one else around.
However, lately I am having many dream induced lucid dreams. Since I am starting out already with a populated dream setting, I begin the lucid dream already engaged with others – humans, animals, entities, and other ambiguous intelligent forms that respond to me.
- If the lucid dream is not very stable, and is destined to be short, often I will see a dream character but he/she will not see me. I am aware of this in the dream.
- In general, dream figures will telepathically communicate with me, and I, with them. It is direct, there does not seem to be any confusion or misunderstanding of intention.
- Sometimes we don’t communicate, but we know that we are both aware of each other.
- Dream entities can take the form of animals and transform many times. There is an intelligent understanding between “me” and them. I was recently attacked by a dream animal, my dream self knew how to counter the attack and merged with the attacker. The animal gave me its name and offered help in the future.
- Sometimes a dream figure will not like me. This often comes as a surprise, as I won’t have any initial feeling of judgment of liking or not liking that particular character at first meeting. However, here as in waking reality, when someone doesn’t like you, you begin to not like them back. And this response is fast.
In summary, when the lucid dream is developed and stable (I can remain in a lucid dream for up to an hour), there seems to be a very consistent shared experience with other dream figures. When the dream is not stable and destined to a quick collapse, it is as if I am lucid but they are in an ordinary dream and unaware. I guess this is always the question, isn’t it, are they part of my dream or are they autonomous and in a shared dream territory with me for that moment in dream time?
Carolina Kampuries
Disagreements and Discrepancies
I have had several lucid dreams where dream figures disagree with each other about me. In one dream: I was ‘transported’ out of a classroom because I was told I didn’t belong there. A student disagreed with the teacher, but I was still transported out.
In another dream, I saw very clearly inside the helm of a UFO. I saw three beings, who when they realized I could see them (and very clearly) they could not understand how that was possible. The other people in my dream, could not see the ship, nor the three beings in the helm.
Other Senses:
Another lucid dream, I was in a very big hotel and ran into some friends who were at a wedding. There was pineapple on the table and I wanted to taste it because in my waking world I could no longer taste certain foods. In the dream, I also couldn’t taste it. I was surprised because I normally could smell beer on a person‘s breath in dreams, and now I couldn’t taste the pineapple.
Seeing Light/Color:
I was in a circle of 5 or 6 people and we were to pick a person who would carry the Light. I could see it very clearly, it was violet (on another realm), but I didn’t feel worthy, so I passed up the opportunity. The others informed me that I was the only one who could see the violet Light.

Image by Ondřej Šponiar from Pixabay