By BJ Manning © 2009
This article is reprinted from Lucid Dream Exchange Magazine #51, 2009
My lucid healing dreams added another dimension to my quest for a cure. I had been going to doctors in western traditional and complementary medicine, naturopathic doctors, Chinese medicine practitioners, herbalists, and energy healers, with the hope to receive a diagnosis and a remedy for my red itchy spots on my neck, front and back.
I had been suffering for about 4 years with a tenacious rash and in the process, a biopsy revealed nothing to label, the topical ointments did little to help the intense itching, and neither the med’s nor herbs worked very well to get rid of the affliction. Energy practitioners helped me to explore many modalities, but I was unable to produce a cure.
I switched careers from management to a low stress job in June 1994, about a year and a half before my first lucid healing dream. I thought the rash was stress related and maybe it was, but why did it take so long to go away? I had explored my diet for allergies, looked at environmental factors as well as emotional and psychological possibilities, yet I couldn’t understand why I was experiencing the horrible rash. On September 23 1995, I asked to have a healing of my four year old rash. I intended to dream lucidly with hope for an answer.
The following is the dream.
I became lucid when I felt myself surrounded by energy and I could see only darkness. I felt curious and calm. I was conscious within my dream. I was told, “You can heal yourself.” I saw a very bright ray of white light enter a spot above my right breast. I was told to “Visualize the light moving to all the red, itchy spots. Then send the light along with the rash out of your body to dissolve, dissipate and never return. It’s up to you.” It felt like a cosmic healing and I was aware of what was happening to me. I was not afraid.
I did as instructed. I woke up from the dream with my finger on the spot where the beam of pure white light entered my body. The pure light was unlike anything I’d ever seen before. It was a powerful dream.
I thought about the dream on and off for 6 months. I noticed an improvement. The rash seemed to be slowly disappearing.
On March 16, 1996, I had another lucid dream:
I was at the University of MN Clinic to see a doctor about the rash. The receptionist told me he had an emergency and had to leave. She asked if I‘d like to reschedule. ‘No,’ I said and started to walk away. A nurse ran over to me and asked if I‘d like to see a brilliant young resident. The nurse said, “He is excellent at diagnosing. He will help you.” I said, ‘Yes, I need help.’
She led me to a candle lit room. It was conducive to meditating, so I did just that until the resident arrived. When he entered the room, his presence was HUGE and he had beautiful shiny black skin and iridescent green enlightening eyes. He looked into my eyes and told me what it was that ailed me. He told me also what was causing my red itchy spots. He spoke to me without words, like telepathy, and I understood him.
He told me of a treatment to try and that it would be a quick process.
He told me I would heal completely within a month and it would never return. He told me telepathically with certainty. He was brilliant, I thought to myself. How lucky I was to have a chance meeting with him. A truly great healer, I said to myself.
I flew above my body. My back was exposed and I saw a strong white light beaming into the little hole created from my biopsy. The light spread to all the red itchy spots on my back, front and neck. The red spots dissipated and dissolved. I held the vision.
I thanked the resident and asked where the bright white light came from, however there was no reply.
I thought about how wonderful it would be if my dream was real, perhaps just in another dimension. I believe that my dreamwork and other healing modalities helped to create a healing environment.
After four years of suffering, it seemed like another month was a reasonable amount of time for the rash to completely disappear. And it did disappear. My lucid dreams were not spontaneous healings, however I was rash free by May, 1996. What a relief! As of this writing, more than 13 years later, I’m still very grateful for my healing dreams of bright white light. My lucid dreams made a difference in my healing process. If I get an ailment, I will intend for a lucid healing dream as soon as I am able.
Health and Happiness to all,