This article appeared in the on-line magazine, Lucid Dreaming Experience, at The Lucid Dreaming Experience (LDE) seeks to educate, inform and inspire lucid dreamers. Robert Waggoner serves as co-editor of the LDE, and gives workshops, writes books and speaks internationally on this fascinating topic.
By Nic Heinz © 2004 I have a few tricks for helping me have lucid dreams: I have a brown leather bracelet/arm band that I wear, and during the coarse of my day if I see it, I pause and ask myself if I am dreaming. Also if I hear or see anything strange…
By Peter Siedlecki © 2017 What Robert Bruce says in his book: “Another slightly less complicated method of converting lucid dreams into OBEs requires simulating the feeling of falling within the dream itself. To use this technique, cross your dream arms across your dream chest once you realize you are dreaming. Relax your body, then…
By Emmy van Swaaij © 2006 I stumbled upon something interesting in the dreamstate… a technique to travel in between two different layers of soil…. so to speak. I’m still exploring this whole thing myself (and will probably do so for many years to come) and it’s still very fresh…but I would like to share…
By Lucy Gillis © 2006 Editor’s Note: Steve Parker has been lucid dreaming for some time now, and has been having success with the W.I.L.D technique. A “W.I.L.D” is a “Wake Initiated Lucid Dream”; a dream in which the dreamer enters the dream state consciously, without first falling asleep. The term “W.I.L.D.” became popularized after…
By Karim © 2015 One of the things I enjoy when lucid dreaming is the ability to explore any concept or any way of being. We get the opportunity to experience our consciousness as an animal, insect, a plant or even a different human. Something that we cannot do in waking life seems possible in…
By Karim © 2016 This was a lucid dream that profoundly affected me and changed the way I view waking life. It made me realise how important it is to learn detachment and letting go. In this dream I was shown a highly personalized version of afterlife testing. I have heard of books like ‘The…
By Alexander © 2016 Wow! Began relaxation at 10 AM by 11:05, I have not succeeded. I got up for a little bit and lay down again to keep trying to induce OBE. I finally began to hear the ‘tea kettle wisps’ of frequency static. After honing in on the frequency static, making it stay…
By Sharon Martens © 2016 During the early summer of 2014, my lucid dream task was to talk to the Architect behind the dream and ask to be shown things of importance. I set several intentions on a daily basis. On June 29, 2014 I awoke at 5:30 a.m. and decided to try for a…
By Gregg Irvin © 2016 I’m very interested in the ability to wake up another person in the Astral/Dream world and help them achieve lucidity. You are in effect waking them up to themselves. If this can be done consistently with verification, we would have a reliable way to bring about lucidity to those who have prepared themselves,…
By Kate Tweddle © 2016 I met Maxwell during a dream around 7 years ago when I first began lucid dreaming. I was 21 and had been reading Carlos Castaneda, with some success – lucid dreaming a couple of times a week. At that time I had been talking to a friend about the scout…
By Maria Isabel Pita © 2016 “Everything, dreaming and all, has got a soul in it, or else it’s worth nothing, and we don’t care a bit about it. Some of our thoughts are worth nothing, because they’ve got no soul in them. The brain puts them into the mind, not the mind into the…
An excerpt by Robert Waggoner from Consciousness Beyond the Body: Evidence and Reflections In the early 1980s, most commentators and researchers appeared to accept a clear-cut distinction between OBEs and lucid dreams. A July 1983 survey conducted by Susan Blackmore (1983) at the University of Bristol found that of 593 randomly selected individuals, 47% reported…